Sodexo Ireland supports the Food Reformulation Task Force

Sodexo is delighted to be the first catering and workplace services provider in Ireland to support the work of the Food Reformulation Taskforce.
The Taskforce is a strategic partnership between the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) and Healthy Ireland at the Department of Health and was established in 2021 to drive progress towards reducing calories, saturated fat, salt and sugar in the Irish diet through active engagement with industry and stakeholders.
Sodexo has been investing in the quality of our food for more than 60 years. We have a relentless commitment to developing and reformulating our menus to provide healthy, sustainable and nutritious dishes that support improving the health and wellbeing for our customers, every day.
As such, Sodexo looks forward to close collaborating with the Food Reformulation Taskforce and its detailed work programme, and sharing Sodexo updates, insights and learnings.