Sandra Kerr OBE, Business in the Community’s Race Equality Director speaking on the podcast

Modern Racism in the Workplace event podcast

Published on : 6/6/19
  • In this podcast we discuss the key themes from the breakfast event on the subject of Modern Racism in the Workplace and hear from some of the speakers and attendees.

    On 21 May, Sodexo hosted a breakfast event on the subject of Modern Racism in the Workplace in recognition of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

    Coming at a time of intense media attention around this topic, Professor Binna Kandola OBE, a leading speaker and author, focused on the history of racism and explored its modern manifestation in organisations. Attendees got an opportunity to learn about organisational best practices, as well as listen to a panel debate with noteable speakers and left with ideas about tackling modern racism and how to create an inclusive workplace.

    Listen to the podcast below.

    Please note: Due to technical issues there is poor sound quality in parts of this podcast. We apologise for any inconvenience to listeners.

    Find out more about the event.

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