A new quality standard for asset management - IS055001 - was officially launched yesterday by the Institute of Asset Management and BSI in London.

Amongst the panel of speakers was Keith Hamer, Sodexo Group VP for engineering & asset management.

Keith said about the new standard: “One of the Sodexo Group strategic initiatives has been the development of a global asset management capability, and the launch of IS055001 provides an opportunity for Sodexo to establish strategic partnerships with its global client organisations and support them in the implementation of best asset management practice’.

Commenting on the launch, a spokesperson from the IAM said: "We are delighted to welcome the new ISO55000 series. These three international standards (55000/1/2) are important not only for their content but because they represent a global consensus on what asset management is and what it can do to increase value generated by all organisations – at a time when everyone needs to make the most of any resources they have.

“We believe that asset management will increasingly become the best means of harnessing and integrating all the activities within an organisation to achieve its purpose most effectively and economically.”

The brief celebratory launch event was followed in the afternoon by a seminar entitled: ‘The Significance of ISO55000’. Other speakers included: President of the International Standards Organisation, Terry Hill; Director of Standards at the British Standards Institution, Scott Steedman; Director Electricity Transmission Asset Management at National Grid, David Wright; Director Project Finance & Construction, Aon, Mark Courtneidge; Partner McKinsey Consultants, Ingo Aghte – and our Chairman for this exciting event is the President of the Institute of Asset Management, Stephen Morris.

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