Food preparationSodexo Group is a global leader in addressing the food waste crisis. As a signatory to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, Sodexo has joined a global effort to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030 and has committed to tracking food waste at all of its sites as one of its Better Tomorrow 2025 objectives. 

WasteWatch Powered by LeanPath – a customized, global food waste prevention program – is the result of this partnership, and a foundational element of Sodexo’s ambitious waste prevention initiatives. 

WasteWatch is an automated program that empowers Sodexo site staff to rapidly and easily capture food waste data, take action based upon intuitive analytics, and drive cultural and behavioral change across teams in support of ending avoidable food waste. WasteWatch objectives are to value food as an important resource, reduce food waste and improve profitability at sites.